Group Visits
Horticultural groups, WI's & U3A groups are welcome to visit us by arrangement during the months April-October. To arrange a visit, please contact a member of our team.
Garden Tours
We have a range of Garden Tours we can offer to new and returning groups, including our popular Introductory Guided Tour which we highly recommended for groups visiting for the first time. For returning groups there are new subject specific Garden Tours and we have a new Talk for 2024: A Year at Church Gardens.
Many groups return to Church Gardens year after year to follow the progress of this remarkable family's garden restoration project and see the garden at different times of year receiving a different walk or talk each time they come.

Group Dining Options

During your visit to Church Gardens, your group have exclusive access to the ARCADIA Tea Room where they can enjoy delicious homemade refreshments.
We use organically grown ingredients from the Kitchen Garden to produce fresh and seasonal food for visitors to Church Gardens throughout the year.
To discuss your catering requirements and pre-order your refreshments, please get in touch with a member of our team.
Church Gardens, Church Hill, Harefield, UB96DU
01895 823539